Notes from Underground (Dostoevsky)

[efcb-section-samplepage hero_image=”” title=”Notes from Underground (Dostoevsky)” subtitle=”Sunday 12 June ・ TabulaBeach Cafe, Delhi” background_color=”” title_font_color=”” subtitle_font_color=”” title_font_size=”” subtitle_font_size=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””][content]

“Of course I have myself made up all the things you say. That, too, is from underground. I have been for forty years listening to you through a crack under the floor. I have invented them myself, there was nothing else I could invent. It is no wonder that I have learned it by heart and it has taken a literary form . . . I write only for myself, and I wish to declare once and for all that if I write as though I were addressing readers, that is simply because it is easier for me to write in that form. It is a form, an empty form – I shall never have readers.”
– Dostoevsky
Public and participative discussion on Dostoevsky‘s  classic Notes from Underground (1864).
You can find a PDF of the book here here, or you may purchase a copy here.
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TabulaBeach Cafe, Siri Fort, Delhi
Sunday 12 June, 5:00 pm
