Meditations (Marcus Aurelius)

[efcb-section-samplepage hero_image=”” title=”Meditations (Marcus Aurelius)” subtitle=”Saturday 10 September ・ India Habitat Centre, Delhi” background_color=”” title_font_color=”” subtitle_font_color=”” title_font_size=”” subtitle_font_size=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””][content]

“Here is a rule to remember in future, when anything tempts you to feel bitter: not “This is misfortune,” but “To bear this worthily is good fortune”.”
– Marcus Aurelius
Public and participative discussion on the classic of Stoic wisdom by Marcus Aurelius : Meditations.
You can find a PDF version of the book here here, or you may purchase a copy here.
You can continue sharing your views on the book in our forum !
India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, Delhi
Saturday 10 September, 7:00 pm
