[efcb-section-samplepage hero_image=”http://readersbreak.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Covers-24-RB-American-Psycho-4-Event-Page.png” title=”American Psycho (Bret Easton Ellis)” subtitle=”Saturday 13 August ・ CAARA, British Council, Delhi” background_color=”” title_font_color=”” subtitle_font_color=”” title_font_size=”” subtitle_font_size=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””][content]
“I had all the characteristics of a human being—flesh, blood, skin, hair—but my depersonalization was so intense, had gone so deep, that my normal ability to feel compassion had been eradicated, the victim of a slow, purposeful erasure. I was simply imitating reality, a rough resemblance of a human being, with only a dim corner of my mind functioning”
– Bret Easton Ellis
Public and participative discussion on Bret Easton Ellis‘s novel American Psycho (1991).

You can already share your views on the book in our forum !
@ CAARA, British Council, near CP, Delhi
Saturday 13 August, 4:00 pm